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These cards refer to anything in the physical or social environment that may encourage or discourage a behaviour.

Select the cards that you think are barriers to the behaviour that you’re trying to change. Which of these cards could be preventing the behaviour from occurring?


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These cards are adapted from the COM-B Model, the Theoretical Domains Framework and the work of the University College London Centre for Behaviour Change.


To design these cards, BIT has used the domains and constructs from the COM-B Model and the Theoretical Domains Framework (with permission of the authors). BIT has then developed its own user-centred questions and practical examples to demonstrate how these domains and constructs influence behaviour.




Michie, S., Johnston, M., Abraham, C., Lawton, R., Parker, D., & Walker, A. (2005). Making psychological theory useful for implementing evidence based practice: a consensus approach. BMJ Quality & Safety, 14(1), 26-33.


Michie, S., Atkins, L., West, R., 2014. The Behaviour Change Wheel: A Guide To Designing Interventions. Silverback Publishing, London. 


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